Specialised Disability Accommodation
Wyndarra is building Specialised Disability Accommodation. We have listened to our community and & want to provide homes for clients with disabilities allowing them to remain living in Circular Head. Wyndarra have worked very hard to secure adjoining land to enable this project to go ahead. We have plans drawn up for the first stage of 3 specialised disability units and have plans for future stages. Our aim is to create a welcoming village that is accessible, modern and inviting. But we need your help and seek your support for this exciting project.
The Vision
We are passionate about creating a safe and supportive environment for our clients and believe that the SDA is the best way to achieve this. The construction of the SDA will have a positive impact on the Circular Head community, providing much needed supported accommodation (long & short term) for people with varying abilities and their families.
If you or your family member are interesting in getting a unit in this or future developments please do the following:
Submit an expression of interest email to sda@wyndarra.org.au
Let us know if you want to be considered in this stage or next.
Do you have SDA funding in your NDIS plan?
Thank you we will be in touch soon.