Circular Head Community Christmas Hampers
Since 2005 Wyndarra Centre has facilitated and distributed the Community Christmas Hampers for individuals and families that are in need of extra support at Christmas time in our Circular Head community.
Wyndarra have always received an amazing response from businesses, organisations and individuals kindly donating to the appeal.
Last year Wyndarra distributed 176 Christmas hampers supporting approximately 500 people within our community. They were filled with food items, other donated grocery items and a gift for each child. Hamper items or monetary donations are much appreciated and all businesses and community groups will be acknowledged in a Christmas card given to the recipients on hamper day.
How Can You Contribute?
Financial donations are tax deductible and can be received in cash, cheques or direct deposits. Wyndarra Centre Inc. bank account details for a Direct Deposit are:
Commonwealth Bank
BSB 067408
A/C No. 28016970
Reference - business/organisation name.
If you have any questions or would like to donate, please contact Tammy Edwards
(03) 64522722
Thank You