Our History
The Wyndarra Centre, originally a hospital and nursing home, was established during the mid 1920’s, and was the birth place of a large number of Circular Head Residents.
Since the Smithton District Hospital opened in 1961, and until the formation of the Wyndarra Organisation in the early 1980’s, the building was used by St Johns Ambulance and as an R C W A day training centre. Other community groups using the building for various purposes including Blood Transfusion Service, Community Youth Support Scheme, G R O W, Adult Education, and the Christian Business – Mens Association.
On the relocation of both St Johns and R C W A, a number of concerned citizens, interested in the preservation of the building formed a group to promote and investigate utilisation and possibilities for restoration.
The involvements of the local TAFE coordinator and Education Department social worker within this group, initiated the concept of a resource and information service, with the aim of incorporating as the Wyndarra Centre, realised in June 1983, and the employment of a community development officer.
A full-time community development position was achieved in 1986, funded by the Family Support Services Scheme, a joint Commonwealth State program.
During that year, successful applications to the Specialised Housing Service (SHS), The State Disability Services Unit, Commonwealth Emergency Relief Fund, and other sundry grants, witnessed rapid increases in services, staffing hours and consumption through out 1987.
By this time, the building and surrounds were in desperate need for restoration. A successful submission to the Commonwealth Employment Program, and with generous support from the Council, Service Clubs, local business and the general community, the Centre and grounds became once again, a real community asset. It was during 1987, just prior to the project, that Council sold the property to the Wyndarra Association for the pricey sum of One Dollar.
A submission to the Home Community Care (HACC) program in 1988 was successful, creating a base funding source that has lasted at least one decade and hopefully many more to come.